❝GG rehersal!!❞
Saturday, March 29, 2008 @ 1:14 PM | 0 comment(s) / add a comment.
So fun! You can check out the pics of us at Joey's blog!! >> (look at my links)
The rehersal was fun! No...very fun!! We cerographed new dance steps which i'm proud to say is a whole lot better than our previous ones! LOL~
And...when our group(Lijia,Joey,Me,Haema and JunYi) rehersed behind the toilet(ewwww!Ok...kidding), there was ppl inside the toilet too! And they heard us sing! OMG~
When we realised there were ppl...everybody laughed...super hard! Then Lijia was all...ok..serious ar! No laughing!! Veri leader-like! Way to go Lijia!=P
Okok...tell you bout the campfire 2morrow! I think when i come back already 10 pm so...Byies!=P