❝History Supp^^❞
Saturday, April 26, 2008 @ 3:52 PM | 0 comment(s) / add a comment.
Today is also the day my mum's gonna come back from her HongKong trip with my aunts! Hope she buys back tons of stuff! ^_^
Notmuch interesting things happened today...just that i have to goback to sch for the history thing! And...i also took a pic of Joey with the school(ok, not really the WHOLE school) LOL...sian. Cannot post pic now lah...phone charging! So sad...Sian lor...monday still got lesoon with Miss Tay! She say is sewing class...AH!! I hate home econs man...suxs!
Just completed History homework..woah...so diffcult, if exam like that ar i would have died already...not really die...mayb have brain damage...so many things to remember-_-
Okok...my sis wanna use comp liao...she says need to chiong for her gane(whatever game it is)