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Wednesday, June 4, 2008 @ 1:59 PM | 0 comment(s) / add a comment.
I was too lazy to post for the past few days so i'm posting today!
Went to SICC[singapore island country club] with my grandparents and my cousins, Daphne,Meville and Sean! So fun man! ;)
We played the arcade games and the computer too![there were comps in the SICC!]
Here are some pics i took!
My cousin Daphne, racing!
That boy right in front is Merville, playing some robot game with my sis! LOLs
Later we went back to my grandma's hse and played monkey! I wasnt the monkey once-i'm the tallest among all 5! Even though Merville is like 13, he's still shorter than me! HAHA.
Went to my cousin[steve]'s house! Played the PS2 and went to Great World City for lunch! And played comp also lar! ;)
The FOOD sign! And Steve is lying on the letter D!
Okok...tat was bout all. Bye bye!