❝Dance Thingy...❞
Tuesday, October 14, 2008 @ 8:59 PM | 0 comment(s) / add a comment.
so the sch has some post-exam stuff for us!
Ok..normally stuff like this are LAME.
No offense or anything...it is.
So, no lessons(YAYAYAYAY!)
But we had this DANCE thingy...
Hahas, an eye-opener for dancers.
So yea, and before everything even started,
we were in our classes,
and A FIGHT broke out between Gerald & Matthew...
Was damn...erm...dunno how to descirble larhs.
Just very funny...
Yea, funny.
Then, i think Tommy's table was affected or sumthing,
then he came into class and was like," Oi..."
And Eunice said sumhin bout being innocent or sumthing!
Then later we were talking bout 'soosh' like how
Matthew 'flew'.
Then Tommy also say like what THROWER!?!?!
Lols, dunno larh!
Then Lijia said it herself..
Then Joey went connected and stuff...
Everybody laugh until... ...
So that was the class thing.
Then weht to hall for the post-exam thingy,
we had to DANCE!?!?!
Ok..it wasnt really the type of DANCE i imagined,
my idea of DANCE all this time was like ballet,morden dance?
Yar, stuff like those.
And today it sort of SMASHED tha idea,
since we did Malay&Chinese dance...
The Chinese one was WAYYYYYYY better than the Malay one!
Then, yeah that was most of it.
Nothing much to say bout todaeeeeeee.
Then later went bck to classroom,
Joey&Lijia were discussing bout the chalet stuff,
then they became soo HIGH!
Then i suddenly said, I CANNOT GO HOW?
Then they panic..
Oh yea, then waited for GG to meet at 104 classroom,
but nobody turn up...-.-
So we went to ask Miss Latifah,
then she said, ok lorhs, go home, since nobody else is there..
Then we went home...
But on the way bck, received a call from Jernani
and she asked bout GG...
Aiyoh, in the end, there was a meeting!
No coice, have to learn it 2morrow lorhs.
So byies!