❝Oh Yeah!❞
Thursday, November 20, 2008 @ 7:49 PM | 0 comment(s) / add a comment.
Today's the PSLE result day thing!
my mum's colleage's kids had their results 1day!
They're actually triplets! ;D
Its 2 boys&1 girl!
Charmaine got..225!
(higher than mee)
And the boys..
i'm not too sure! ;P
Its still not bad larhs.
Even though its lower than her expected outcome..
but its good.
Its not the end of the world right!?!?
I mean..
secondary sch is fun -
in its own ways! ;D;D
looking for a new blogskin again.
This doesnt really suite meee!
So...gettin a new one!
Or mayb...
i'll jus change the font!
Yup yup!
Bye bye then! ;D
Happy Hols all! ;D