Sunday, December 28, 2008 @ 9:34 PM | 0 comment(s) / add a comment.
Quiz at Eunice's blog. x)
A- Andrea.
B- Bryon.
C- Crystal.
D- Daphne.
E- Eunice.
F- Faith.
G- Germaine.
H- HuiQing.
I- (no idea).
J- Joey.
K- Krista.
L- Lijia.
N- Nicolette.
P- (no idea).
Q- Qian Yi.
R- Reanne.
S- Shania.
T- (no idea).
V- Vivien.
W-(no idea).
X- XinYi.
Y- Yinn Shan.
Z- Zoe.
Q: R & S can be together in a boy-girl relationship?
Ans: Hahas...Reanne&Shania?They can be, but they'll be lesbians! xP
Q: How is L related to you?
Ans: Hmm...she's like a older yet childish sister to me! :P
Q: Does Y Know Z?
Ans: Yup!
Q: If C Betray you , will you kill him/her?
Ans: Aiya...i also cannot do anything bout it right?
Q: If K steals your boyfriend , what will you do ?
Ans: Um..she's like 4! How can she steal my boyfriend? Lols!
Q: What if B tells you that he/she has a crush on you ?
Ans: Pigs will fly!
Q: Will you & M get into a fight?
Ans: Nope. He's kinda quiet.
Q: Who does R has a crush on?
Ans: Oh...Reanne? Hahas...i dunno leh!
.Q: If G calls you a bitch, what will you do?
Ans: I cannot do anything larhs!
Q: What's the relationship between you and E?
Ans: Boyf & Girlf! Hahas! :)
Q: Who is I bestfriend ?
Ans: I have no friends staring with the letter 'I'
Q: Who does Z like?
Ans: Super Artistic! :)
Q: What colour does Y like?
Ans: I dunno, purple i guess.
Q: Where does G lives ?
Ans: Dunno!
Q: Did you & C have a fight before?
Ans: No...
Q: Who is H best friend?
Ans: Eunice!
Q: What can you say about T?
Ans: Once again, no friends starting with "T"
* Hahas..i wont bother tagging peeps. Cos, most ppl i wanna tag has already been tagged! *
Tags Reply:
Hahas..yup! x) Merry Christmas to you too! :)
Hahas..its okay! Did your quiz le! x)
idoits idoits idoits idoits idoits idoits idoits!!!!!!!!!!!