Thursday, February 5, 2009 @ 6:44 PM | 0 comment(s) / add a comment.
This is my 200th post!
I know i'm pretty far from Eunice's one,
but but. 200 leh!
Not a simple numbar!
Anyway, school was o k a y.
Had free period!
Cos Miss Yeo didnt come, & no tecaher came in to relieve e class.
My pencil case nearly gone missing man.
Thanks to Eu&Joey luh.
Everydae take my pencil case.. )':
I nearly cry leh!
Hahas, joking joking. x)
I'm a very optimistic person.
Anyway, gotta stay bck for guides 2morrow.
Hoots! Presenting to secones. the powerpoint slide.
Ugh. Super duper short! xP
Oh yea!
Must go get my guide bk le.
Kay Kay!
See You then.
i'm going to get my dinner now.
B Y E B Y E^^