Saturday, March 27, 2010 @ 10:52 PM | 0 comment(s) / add a comment.
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Jus plain lazy yeahs?
So anyways, took some pics. But i currently dont have my phone USB plug now.
So, wont be able to do so.
Aish! Time has passed so quickly.
And the 1st week of term 2 has already passed. Yepp.
Actually I hope this year and next year will be able to pass quicker,
so that I can look forward to the Taiwan trip wif all my dears,
like after our o levels. And i can look forward to learning Korean wif Eunice too!
HAHA. Bt its still a long way. So i shall jus focus on June hols luh.
HEEHEE. Haiz. Now idk if i wanna go to China anot.
I mean its sounds so fun to be able to go wif friends & stuff.
And I've never been to China, so its like a new experience.
But the, like wad Jo said. If i go then half of my june hols is like gone readys.
Which i really dont wan. Cos there's still quite many stuffs I haven done yet.
And, in response to Eunice's latest post,
I feel really sad whenever people round me gets sad. So i really do my best
to make them smile, even though it doesnt really work at times. Heh.
But Eunice, I mean stop dwelling on the past. Actually its almost the same as my tag luh.
But, there's a future. So you wont really know if its good or bad.
So why not be optimistic? Its better than feelin sorry or sad yesh?
And if you really wanna cry or something. Dont ever keep it trapped inside you.
We're always here! We as in HUHUHU gang kayy. And like yeah. So
just tell us if you're really sad or need a shoulder to lean on or something. :)
I'm always there for all of you yeah! xD
Kaykay. Shall end here.