Friday, May 9, 2008 @ 7:28 PM | 0 comment(s) / add a comment.
OK...this is wad happened~[READ CAREFULLY] lol.
MONDAYS!x [monday blues]
Ok...had History and English on Monday!
Was still OK but got a few facts got WRONG! Sad...didnt miss out any questions but...sure got others wrong! Hopefully can get 65-70 above bah!HOPE ok?!
After the LONG history paper, we had RECESS!! Had ice milo! Nice XD
But the queue was so long, like ALWAYS!
Then, we had a Enlish paper...
It was better than history...
we didn't have to MEMORISE so much! And the comprehension was about a boy and his "magical" bull bones! Quite nice...
And i think i wrote a little too much, i think!!
So, later waited for Vivien and JunYi and we took bus 961 back!
Plus, we could go back once the paper ended, at 11:45 am. Yahhs!
Tuesday! x [was still okies]
Had Literature paper today! Was still ok..not that bad as the history paper!
So...after our RECESS, we had Chinese Listening too! Hopefully this can puul up my Chinese marks coz i think i was like moderate for the Chinese paper, and the "lao shi" said this could pull up our whole score even if we did badly for our Chinese paper 2!
Wednesday! x
Well...had Geography and maths paper 1 today!
Er...ok...but i didnt really remember much facts! I think i'll get only 60 plus plus for Geography! :(
One of my worst papers done! It was only 1 hr..it'll be a mircle if i can get 35/50 and above!!
Had science paper today! (Bio and physics)
Was ok...not too diffcult but also not very easy! Maybe...can get above 70!
And went home at 9.45am! Early!!
And finally FRIDAY!!!
Had chinese...super diffcult!! Dun wanna talk bout it!
And having maths(2) next monday! Must bring CALCULATOR! Must do well for the maths(2)!!! Wish me luck!