Thursday, August 21, 2008 @ 9:33 PM | 0 comment(s) / add a comment.
Anyway, busy studying for the tests this week!
So...yar, very busy! :D
Thankfully, Miss Teo postponed her History test next week!
Must thank Miss Latifah coz she's 'watching' our history class!
So that's why the test was postponed! :D
Had English and Music test 2day!
Had ENGLISH 1st!
Mrs Wong gave us the spelling and cloze test!
Then she ask us to form in groups of 5 then became 4...
So sad! Lijia and Joey had to go...*sniffs!*
So decided to do on CASTLE!
Haha cooked up a super fake story!
But the faker the better bahs...
Then ART!
Had to paint the colours stuff!
Sat wif Joey...
We were damn slow and we like laugh ALOT!!
Then Lijia came to the rescue!
She help Joey paint..
never help me..
Haha..nvm! She still not that pro to paint 2...
Then Level Contact!
Just the giving out of prizes for sec 2!
Then Chinese!!
Same same larh!
Got bck test paper!
Wont say my marks...
And congrads to EUNICE GOOI for getting 80/90!
Then had Music!
ARGH..the test was very diffcult!
Then Maths!
Miss Chen talked bout gradient of graphs and stuff!
Ok larh!
Understood bits and pieces! :D
Then bused home wif Vivien!
Tat's all! :D