Sunday, July 13, 2008 @ 5:00 PM | 0 comment(s) / add a comment.
I'm gonna talk bout yesterday since when i got home it was too late to blog! Seriously...
Yeah! Its my b'day celebration!! WHOOTS!
I invited Nicolettes, Hsuen Chi, Lijia and Joey! Yeah!
We met at SHOKODU to eat lunch! Aiyah...the eating part was so damn quiet! Like nobod talked! Lols. Maybe abit 尴尬 bahs! Lols!
Oh...BTW, i love my prezzies! Thanks guys~
Ate Ramen and Cookies&cream ice-cream with Muazi! Wow. Damn ex de!
Also drank Apple juice! Yummy.
Later we took neoprints!
1 wif the nicolettes and 2 with Lijia,Joey&Hsuen Chi! Soo cool! And took loads of pics! :D
Hmm...lemme show u!
Our ice-cream! YUMMY~
My ice-cream solemly..
The SHOKUDO card! We use it to buy our food!
The 'hearts' from Lijia&Lessy's hot choco cup!
Lessy,Lijia and Hsuen Chi's shoes!
Lessy&Lijia's shoes!
Our neopprint! :D
YAH! Neo-print again! :D
Hsuen Chi!! Opening the door to her house! Lols!
No lar! Kidding only! This is the door to enter the female's toliet! :P
Ljia,Lessy,Hsuen Chi,ME! & my sis!
US again~
Later Lijia,Hsuen Chi and Lessy went to my ah-ma's hse! They slacked for awhile and we[lijia,lessy&me] showed Hsuen Chi our dance for the MAYFLOWER campfie! And she said its so COOOLLL (:
Then they played with Xylon's baby stuff! Took pucs also. But the blogger can't upload. Dunno why! And then we did some marching! Hsuen Chi is so pro in marching & those names. I forgotten liaos! :P
Then we walked to the bus stop to wait for 961. But later Joey's parents came to pick us up! But Hsuen Chi took 961 insted! :(
Then Joey's mum helped us tie our hair and our scarf in the Queenstown toliet! Lols.
Then we chiong to sch! Then took the bus to MAYFLOWER! Ok..bb now! Need to eat dinner!