Friday, July 4, 2008 @ 9:10 PM | 0 comment(s) / add a comment.
Yeah!! Today went to Long John Sliver to eat lunch! Shared the Fish Meal with Joey! :P
And we finally wore our GUIDE SUIT!! Yeah~
But looked abit weird with the hair and all!
Had our enrolment now now we're officaially GUIDES!! :)
Yupps, but there were some not-so-good things at first! Me & Joey forgotten to bring our PE! And its a MUST!
Luckily Desiree foundsome of the seniors PE! PHEW~
Alot of sec 1&2 guides never bring leh! Luckily the bookshop got sell!
So most of them went to buy from the bookshop!!
And we also had this talent show thingy! HIBISCUS was up first!
They sang: TRUE FRIEND by Miley Cyrus!
Then it was Bouganvilla's turn! They preformed a skit on: CINDERELLA a twisted version by Rodahl!
AH!!!! Sunflower[my petrol]'s turn!! We did a bit of singing and dancing from the song of Leavin' by Jesse McCartney! Haha...quite fun lar!
Then Ixora's turn-GO LESSY!! They sang: EVERYDAY from HSM2!
Hehe...wow 6:20 liaos! So Miss Teo dismissed us and bus-ed back with JunYi & Vivien!
But here are some GUIDE PICS we took!
Crystal, Lijia and Joey aka Lessy!
Lijia & Lessy! :)
YEAH!! Us..finally got me...:)
Notice how nicely our hair was plaited? By seniors leh...Not bad right?
Okok...byies for now! :)