Friday, July 11, 2008 @ 10:12 PM | 0 comment(s) / add a comment.
Had GG meeting today! March like siao...
ARGH! So tired!
Then later Shin Mun announced the results of who is chosen to do the NDP thingy!
I didn't get in though! :(
But Lijia and Lessy got in! Congrads to them!
I also dunno if i feel happy or sad. Maybe both!
Happy coz i wont need to take part in all those trainings!
Sad coz i can't join Lijia& lessy!
But still...there's always next year!!
Oh...had the best day ever today! It will be the best of the best day 2morrow!
Haha...u'll noe why later!
Had Physics 1st! Miss Chen brought us to the computer lab to do some QUIZ!
Fun! Got air-corn!! Hehes.
Then was Maths! Miss Chen's lesson again! Lols!
She did Algebra! OMG. Damn complicated i tell you! Nearly fainted!!!!!!!
And then had RP and recess! Yummy! RECESS my fave subject! Lols!
Then had English! PHEW!! I didn't bring my eng activity bk but Ah Wong-i mean Mrs Wong excused meee! But she said i have to stay bck later to do my eng test!
Hmm...next was HISTORY! I <3 it!! Damn funny!!
Miss Teo did some filing and later she asked some ppl questions bout the chapter!
Then it was time for PROFESSOR BENJAMIN & ASSITANT YONG SHENG to show off their history...erm..skills!?!!
Then some students post some diffcult ones and stuff! Haha..so funny!
Then after sch, chiong go and see Mrs Wong! She say i only got 1 wrong coz my eng standard high and blah blah! Lols! Then chiong to library to eat lunch! Haha!!
And then we had guides at 2.15 to 5 plus! Then bus-ed bck with JunYi & Vivien!
THE END! Hahaha