❝Wii. Fit❞
Saturday, January 3, 2009 @ 10:07 PM | 0 comment(s) / add a comment.
Hahas...got a Wii. Fit 2daee man!
Can help you lose weight de! :D
Hahas...must thank my dad man! :)
went to Steve's house to visit his grandfather,
he just got discharge from the hospital
(quite serious leh)
& when we were about to leave,
Steve said he wanted to come with us.
So, we ate dinner with him
& he went to our house xD
& tried out the Wii Fit!
Hahas...super fun man!
Scream like dunno wad.
Sweat like dunno wad also!
And read Eunice's Eclipse le!
Super addicting man! x)
&& this is very special day to EUNICEGOOIRUIXIAN!
Yep. Its her birthday!
She's finally 14 when we are all stuck bring 13! :)
Happy Birthday To You! :)
and to celebrate this awesome day:
i'm gonna present her with this:
Yep! A totally awesome, delicious looking slice of cake!
Oh ya..wanna thank Earthxdream
for the icons!
& Yahoo! Joey has created a blog for S-lackersinc!
Reply-ation of tags!
Hahas..okayokay. THANK YOUU still! :)
To HQ:
Yupp. Hopefully, other days will be better! xD
S-lackerinc. super nice!