Sunday, February 8, 2009 @ 3:39 PM | 0 comment(s) / add a comment.
This will be my 203th post!
Yep! 2 0 3!
Hahas. My class.
Mon's chem will be changed to history.
Ugh. Teachers' wont let us free for jus an hour,
finally completed al my homework!
Yes! Including maths.
Ohkay...i still hafta ask Joey on 2 of them.
Oh my god.
School's going to start again 2morrow.
I kept on thinking its a holiday.
Mayb cos yesterday it was a really really long day,
& i woke up so early todae.
Ealier than most days.
Okay. I'm bored, & thus resulting in posting this 203th post.
Its kinda sad that many of the livejournal icon-makers are
making their journal 'friends only'
Sick Sick Sick.
I want stock icons man!
& here are some stock icons.
They're reallynice.
Not made by me, so pls pls pls credit!
Oh ya, the stock icons!
Enjoy! ;D