Friday, May 16, 2008 @ 9:17 PM | 0 comment(s) / add a comment.
Then...we had Art for our last period! Had to draw and colour a "drawing" of anything we wanted! I drew flowers in a vase. LAME. I know...but do name, must fo like block letters to colour! I HATE DRAWING BLOCK LETTERS!:)
Went to the Queenstown Library to eat lunch with Lijia! And saw Vivien, Junyi, Haema an their 2 other friends whose names i dun know! LOL.
After lunch, Vivien,me and Lijia sat down to "talk bout our grades!" and Junyi joined but so went to play her JUNIOR MONOPLOY she brought to sch. JunYi is such a BLURBLOCK! Really, she is damn blur! When i asked her WHERE'S UR BAG? she was like OH YEAH.WHERE IS IT? Aiya...she is act one lar! Lol...or mayb its true! Hahas! Then Vivien and JunYi took some chinese books and pretended they "didnt know how to read"! LOL!! JunYi was the worst. She doesnt know how to read a few words despite have the han yu ping ying! We all laugh like siao! Damn fun! And time passed and it was 2.45 pm already! So we(Lijia, me and Vivien) walked back to sch! JunYi told us to leave first! Bad girl. She was still playing her junior monoploy! LOL~
Then, when we reached sch, Vivien told me she left something at the library, so i rushed there with her. But...she didnt find it anyway! Lucky, it wasnt tat important! And we had to rush back to sch again...SIAN!!
During GG meeting, Miss Latifah breifed us on some of the dates for some GG stuff! Yeahs! Luckily never clash with my sleepover! But..i'm quite busy! SIAN!!
Thankfully, Miss Latifah says she will give us the dates and we have to tick the dates we cant go! :) PHEW!!!!
And for the GG Meeting we got abit crazy in our groups! Especially...Desriee and RuiYing got abit! Hahas! Quite fun lar. Except no movie screning! :( SAD SAD!!
Okies lar...my day's like tat...byies ppl!