❝My 2009 Resolution(s)!❞
Sunday, January 4, 2009 @ 3:06 PM | 0 comment(s) / add a comment.
Hello Hello Stranger!
Here are some of my 2009 resolutions
which i seriously hope will come true :D
1) Study diligently
2) Get good grades!
3) Keep in contact with ALL my friends! & stay as close as we use to be:)
I guess tats all yeas?
No reason for saying that.
But...its jus to make sure at the end of the yr,
all of these resolutions will come true.
Steve came again today.
Dun get me wrong.
Its fun having him around :)
again, played the Wii Fit.
i tried the yoga one.
& for an amature who as never tried yoga in her life,
i can actually get 4 stars on the Wii!
Which is Yoga Master! (tytytytytyty)
Its still hard kay! xP
Okay, tats all then.
Hopefully, Miss Lim(or isit Lee), our form teacher,
wont change our sits.
Its perfect the way it is now.
Yes, the duties may be a little tiring,
but we're doing it together as team.
And who says you have to be big to do something good.
Even if you're small, you still can do it!
& you might even do better job! :)
The only sad thing is,
for subjects like Home econs / D&T,
we cant stay as a group.
I'm with EUNICE:)
&Joey's with HQ:]
Oh ya, there'll be GG meeting on friday right?
To deco the room for sec 1 CCA thing.
Its gonna be fun man!
And a the same time,
Shania's having a b'day.
I'll be turning up at night then.
Byes :D