Sunday, January 4, 2009 @ 7:44 PM | 0 comment(s) / add a comment.
Hahas. trying to come up with some ways of greeting! :)
Yupp, so, it doesnt have to be the same-o-same-o every single time.
And, isit more fun to blog in paragraphs? Or line by line.
I'll try paragraphs kays?
Okay here goes...
Changed my blogskin! Hahas, got one with images(finally) but still in love with non-navigational ones. So, its jus with a preetae image! Yep. It just got kinda booring looking at skins without images. So, TA-DA! This! Hopefully, i'll be able to quit blogging every sec and start studying!
I know, i'm just sec 2 ritte? But wadever, its still equally important! x) Cos, i dun want any grade-dropping! Okay, wadever.
& we just went to send our DS for repairs. The 'R' button has a minior prob. Wonder if my sis can live without it. She cant. So, se's playing Wii Fit now. Must really congratulate her. How can someone, spent like hours playing eletronics? Plus, the screen's really small. Okay, not small, medium. But its still bad ritte?
Haiz. Done with paragraphic-ing. Kinda crapping alot these days. Guess i'm too bored! Anyway, was plurking jus now. Changed the template. Hahas...got so many designs man! Lazy to make one of my own. So, i'll jus use wad others made. Its kinda like blogskins! :)
Hmm...tats all then.
See all 203 mates 2morrow! :P