Wednesday, January 7, 2009 @ 6:43 PM | 0 comment(s) / add a comment.
Sorry, dunno why,
maybe i am getting lamer, like wad Joey said...
Sorry, have the sudden urge to post again,
since blogskin cant load!
Ugh, that pisses me off!
Do you know how bored i am!?!?!?!
& obviously 203 has lost its 103 greatness,
i mean, seriously, it was much better having the old 103,
where lijia was around, and others too...
Hopefully, sec 3 can end up together again!
Yikes, i'm nuts man. Thinking bout sec 3 when sec 2 hasnt even pass...
okay...its not like i dun welcome 'new' students, but
it'll be more fun with the old 103... :(
Crap Crap Crap.
I'm busy talkin crap these days.
even my chinese compo was like crap, and very much outta point.
Ugh. Going to play something now,
or at least read eclipse! xP